First install and run

How to install and run your first analysis


  • having node-js installed (tested with node 16 and 18 but probably working fine with other versions)

Install Debt-collector in your project

npm i debt-collector -D
yarn add -D debt-collector

As long as debt-collector is an alpha version, we recommend you to lock the package version number. Breaking changes (including bugs or api changes) may occur without warnings. As Debt-collector is not messing with your production code, it's pretty safe to use even as an Alpha version though. Long story short : Use it but lock the version ! 🥰

npm i debt-collector@1.0.0-alpha.5 -D
yarn add -D debt-collector@1.0.0-alpha.5

Create a configuration file

Create a configuration file named debt-collector.config.js in your project's root directory

then add the following content :

module.exports = {
  include: './src/**/*',
  fileRules: [
      id: 'REMOVE_FOO',
      title: 'we should get rid of all "Foo" occurences'
      debtScore: 3,
      matchRule: ({ countAll }) => countAll('foo'),
    }, {
      id: 'MIGRATE_CSS_TO_SCSS',
      title: 'use scss instead of css'
      debtScore: 5,
      include: '**/*.css'

What we've done here :

  • defined that debt-collector should track all files contained in the src directory

  • created two file rules :

    • the first one will monitor for every occurences of "foo" in every files and increment your debt score of 3 points for every occurences

    • the second will count all css files, and increment your debt score of 5 points for every matches

Add a script to your package.json

"scripts": {
   "debt:check": "debt-collector check"

Let’s try it :

Open your command line and run :

npm run debt:check
yarn debt:check

That's it, you've installed debt-collector and created your first rules. But debt-collector is a lot more than a glorified search engine.

Last updated